Friday, April 4, 2014

Background Material for Monday's Class (April 7)

On Monday, John & I want to share with you our philosophy and process for choosing what seeds to grow on our farm. Perhaps this will help you in your decision-making about what seeds you'd like to grow in your on-campus gardening project.

Some of the subjects we'll be covering include crop biodiversity, hybridization, genetically modified organisms, and seed ownership. I've selected a few videos which I hope will give you some context for understanding what we'll be talking about. Please watch them before class and bring us your questions about the issues they raise.

Gary Hirschberg, chairman of Stonyfield Farm:

Vandana Shiva, physicist, author, activist:

Please bring the seed catalogs that we gave you last week to class with you. When we handed them out, we asked you to read them through with a couple of objectives. First, think about what plant varieties offered in your catalog you might like to plant for your gardening project. Second, see if you can answer the following questions about your catalog:

What is the company's seed philosophy?
What is the ratio of heirloom and/or open-pollinated varieties versus F1 hybrids that are offered?
Does the company offer plant protected varieties?
Are organic seeds offered?
Are seeds treated or untreated (with pesticides)?
Does the catalog provide growing information about each crop?
What percent of the seeds are grown by the company? If the company is purchasing seed from outside suppliers, does it list or feature any of its suppliers?
What kind of ecological footprint does this catalog represent?

Looking forward to talking with you on Monday!

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